Advertising Communication: Constructing Meaning Potential through Disjunctive Grammar

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Taofeek Olaiwola Dalamu


Communication through language, irrespective of the model of its structure and deployment, entails the making of meanings. The ways that advertisers produce meaning through disjunctive grammar is the concern of this study. Thus, the analysis considered twelve advertisements for examination for meaning deductions. The Hallidayan ‘below the clause’ was the conceptual facilitator of meanings in texts. With the application of technological tools of the table and graph, the study drew a conclusion that nominal group (NG) is the most employed device to fascinate readers to consumption. Having observed that advertisers utilize health matters, beliefs and values, monetary gifts, contents of commodities, etc. to persuade consumers, the study suggests that advertisements could assist in revealing the true contents of the advertised products for proper decision making on the products to patronize. Such behavior could also sensitize the public from being recalcitrant to reading advertising artifacts which is a gain to advertisers themselves. 


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Dalamu, T. O. (2018). Advertising Communication: Constructing Meaning Potential through Disjunctive Grammar. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 17(33), 73–104.
Author Biography

Taofeek Olaiwola Dalamu, University of Lagos

Department of English; Ph D in view (Thesis defended and submitted for final assessments)


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