Urban Representation in “La Estrategia del Caracol” and “La Vendedora de Rosas” Movies

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Laura Pérez González


This article was presented as a byproduct of the research called “Characters, Actions, and Scenarios of Colombian Cinema, 1970-2005. Stage 1,†in which 1990-2005 period was studied from a basic sample of 11 movies. The work (scenarios category), has determined that “La Vendedora de Rosas†and “La Estrategia del Caracol†movies, the city showed has an influence on the characters.

The urban concept is understood as those relations established by inhabitants with both their territory and other people who also live in such a territory. In cinema, urban concept is achieved when the city (scenario) in which story has been narrated is more than a backdrop where interaction among characters allows organizing the story. “La Vendedora de Rosas†shows a city as the characters’ territory (the streets) where they interact with other characters, where they work, and even where they sleep. In “La Estrategia del Caracol†the story goes around a scenario: Uribe’s House, which was changed during the movie while characters try to defend it as their territory.


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How to Cite
Pérez González, L. (2014). Urban Representation in “La Estrategia del Caracol” and “La Vendedora de Rosas” Movies. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 6(12), 171–183. Retrieved from http://udem.scimago.es/index.php/anagramas/article/view/715
Author Biography

Laura Pérez González, Universidad de Medellín

Egresada de Comunicación y Lenguajes Audiovisuales. Universidad de Medellín