Capitalism and Technological Archaeology: Analysis on the Use of Digital Devices

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Valeria Yarad Jeada


The global economic crisis that started in 2008 has generated a decrease in purchasing power, reduced consumption and a contraction in the economy. However, in the midst of the crisis, a technological maelstrom develops, which goes hand in hand with a new capitalism through the increase in the use of digital devices. The objective of this work is to analyze the new keys to a technological capitalism generated by the democratization of the consumption of digital goods and services and a technological archeology with increasingly shorter periods of obsolescence. The understanding of these types of changes is relevant since they allow us to observe the relationship between man and technology and its usesthe uses made of it, with a focus on improving their quality of life and closing gaps, such as the digital one. This work uses a documentary type methodology of secondary worldwide data on technological consumption and its use through data from ITU, Cepal, Eurostat and others. In addition, a temporal analysis of the Smartphone was carried out since 2008 to establish its growth, since it is one of the most widely used technologies. Among the most notorious findings, it is evidenced that more than 75 % of the world population has a mobile phone, concluding that this technology facilitates the management of daily life in all aspects: work, family, educational, social, etc. This is how the Smartphone becomes a “Swiss Army knife†that facilitates the daily life of human beings.


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Yarad Jeada, V. (2021). Capitalism and Technological Archaeology: Analysis on the Use of Digital Devices. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 19(38), 109–128.
Author Biography

Valeria Yarad Jeada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctora en Sociología y Antropología y máster en Metodología de la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Investigadora independiente y Senior Data Analyst en Alto Data Analytics. Quito, Ecuador.


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