Definition, duties and role of the viewer in the face of creative work

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José de Jesús Flores Figueroa


In this paper, the results of the investigation about the figure of the spectator before a creative work are showed. A review of the state of the art was carried out by reading several authors who have addressed the issue of the viewer, even incidentally. This initial analysis led us to think that there are not enough attempts to define neither the viewer nor its field of action when interacting with a creative work. Consequently, we believe that there is not enough up-to-date scientific literature on the specific concept of the spectator. Thus, the goal of the research showed in this paper was to define the viewer and his links with the creative work. Documentary review, critical reflection, and confrontation of concepts were used as a research approach. The first result was a definition of the spectator: The person who finds a break in the routine through confrontation with a creative work. This encounter can be accidental, or it can be caused by the same spectator. From this contact with the work, it is essential that the person interacts with this expression. Likewise, stemming from the above, the person can obtain ludic, aesthetic or cultural stimuli. In the same way, we propose 13 functions that, in our opinion, all spectators perform: 1. Searching, 2. Creating expectations, 3. Contemplating, 4. Judging, 5. Questioning, 6. Believing, 7. Disbelieving, 8. Discriminating, 9. Criticizing, 10. Flattering, 11. Vilifying, 12. Accepting, 13. Rejecting. Likewise, we think that the spectator only assumes himself as such, when he has exceeded a certain level of knowledge about certain types of works, genres, or authors.


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How to Cite
Flores Figueroa, J. de J. (2018). Definition, duties and role of the viewer in the face of creative work. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 17(33), 129–151.
Author Biography

José de Jesús Flores Figueroa

Profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, México, licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación, maestro en Artes Visuales y doctor en Letras Modernas. Ãreas de investigación: narrativa y estética kitsch. Orcid:


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