Form and Norm: Narration on Power in the City Through the Symbol

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Rafael Mauricio París Restrepo
Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona


This article has been written from the epistemological need for making a reflection on the city and distinguishing the way power symbols are expressed and deployed in the city. The focus of this article is made on aesthetics and metaphysics of the city rather than on its urbanism. For this purpose, different aesthetic and semiotic factors have been related in an attempt to present a hypothesis on the symbolic form of the city, which is associated to the economic and political instruments that exercise power on the city. This research about the aesthetics of the metaphysical city allowed identifying the origin of the idea of city as both form and symbol, which becomes a social instrument that promotes perpetuation of power and has influence on the construction of social narration. This research further allowed approaching the dis-divinization phenomenon of the symbols that comprise the city and the function of such dis-divinized symbols within the structuring of a defined common narration, not for political or religious factors but for consumption, fragmentation, and preponderance of oblivion. Finally, the article proposes education as a pillar on which aesthetic and ethical factors lie, allowing having sense at the time of interacting with the city symbols.


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How to Cite
París Restrepo, R. M., & Chicangana-Bayona, Y. A. (2016). Form and Norm: Narration on Power in the City Through the Symbol. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 14(28), 205–234.
Author Biographies

Rafael Mauricio París Restrepo, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Profesor auxiliar de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó. Magíster en Estética. Universidad Nacional de

Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín

Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. Doctor en Historia de la Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brasil. Ãreas de interés: la historia iberoamericana siglos XVI-XVII, la historia de Colombia colonial, la historia del arte y las fuentes audiovisuales para el trabajo del historiador. Entre sus investigaciones principales están: “La pintura colonial de Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos (S.XVII)†y “Representación del indio en las artes visuales del siglo XVIâ€. Compilador del libro Historia, cultura y sociedad colonial siglos XVI-XVIII. Temas, problemas y perspectivas. Medellín: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín - La Carreta Editores, 2008; coautor de El ofício del pintor: Nuevas miradas sobre la obra de Gregorio Vásquez, editado por Constanza Toquita. Bogotá: Ministerio de Cultura - Museo de Arte Colonial - Museo Iglesia Santa Clara, 2008. Entre sus artículos recientes se destacan: “Do Apolo de Belvedere ao guerreiro tupinambá: etnografia e convenções renascentistasâ€. História. Revista de la UNESP SP: Brasil 25 (2006): 15-47; “El festín antropofágico de los indios tupinambá en los grabados de Theodoro de Bry, 1592â€. Fronteras de la Historia 10 (2005): 19-72.