Social research: between scientific activity and family life

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María Guadalupe Venteño-Jaramillo


Activities related to research in underdeveloped countries require not only knowledge but also effort, work and dedication. The objective of this research is to identify the areas in which the researchers work and the effect of specific responsibilities such as: home; the relationship with the partner; children and family affect their performance. This research was carried out using a methodology with a qualitative, exploratory methodological approach, applying an instrument that was validated by experts and cross-sectional, the sample was qualitative for convenience. The study group were women, academics and scientists, who carry out research activities at UNAM and to whom the instrument was applied. This was placed on an application to be answered online. For its evaluation and interpretation, a Likert scale was applied. One of the main findings was that more than 90% of the women who answered the questionnaire showed higher levels of stress than normal. Other results were that social pressure increases among female researchers due to household responsibilities, such as cleaning; childcare and home maintenance. It is concluded that the responsibilities of the home cause conditions that make research work difficult among women who carry out research. One of the main recommendations is to reduce the emotional pressure to which the researchers are exposed to perform their activities in the workplace and improve their mental health to establish healthy family relationships. On the other hand, reconciling research work with home workloads could contribute to making their scientific activity more efficient.

How to Cite
Venteño-Jaramillo, M. G. . (2023). Social research: between scientific activity and family life. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(43), 1–17.

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Author Biography

María Guadalupe Venteño-Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

PhD in Economics