Frames and Representations of Masculinity in the Media of Communication of Mexico

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Andrés Alvarez Elizalde


The objective of this article is to explain how the media frame masculinities in Mexico. Therefore, it tries to answer how they are framed from gender, culture and power, what is broadcast in the news and in a soap opera, about men. Currently and during the pandemic, the consumption of information through social networks has increased in Mexico, so it is pertinent to know what is being disseminated and how, through images and narratives, the socialization of masculinity. Thus, with a qualitative methodology and with virtual ethnography tools, a typology of images and a coding of the narratives of El Universal Online, Aristegui Noticias and the program La Rosa de Guadalupe were carried out, which were published from March to December 2021, on the Facebook platform. With the use of concepts from feminist theory and sociology, the theoretical and empirical implications of the framework are analyzed and a description is made of the representations of masculinity in its relationship with femininity and sex-gender diversity, in the Mexican sociocultural context. The finding is the reproduction of a certain hegemonic hypermasculinity in the media, through the genre where different performances are organized; of the culture that generates symbolic processes of difference/indifferentiation; and of the power that is exercised over the same masculinities and other gender representations, through different forms of violence.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Elizalde, A. . (2022). Frames and Representations of Masculinity in the Media of Communication of Mexico. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 21(41), 1–24.
Author Biography

Andrés Alvarez Elizalde, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos de la FCPyS, UNAM

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales


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