Engagement in Enterprises’ Internal Publics from Ecuador in Times of Pandemic

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Nelly Gabriela Guamán Guadalima
Mónica Abendaño Ramírez


Communication is one of the pillars that allow the vertebration of the organization’s strategy, thus the members of the enterprise can, besides getting to know, make part of the corporate organization. During the sanitary emergency, many actions were made by companies to stay afloat and with this in mind they have developed strategies that allow them to keep their public engaged, which ends up being a strong link in the fulfilling of organizational goals.

This research pretends to analyze the engagement of internal public of companies from the Ecuador un crisis times in 2020. For the development of this research, a poll was designed for the Communication Directors from companies within the country through the Google Forms platform. The results allowed the establishment of the different strategies put into place by the companies for keeping the engagement of their collaborators, taking into account that from the total of the polled companies a 68.6 % of them had to reorient their internal communications strategies; for that, a series of campaigns have been developed, alongside a continuous information broadcasting, precaution messages, emotional support and enterprise communication; besides, the research found that engagement and actions performed by the company for making their internal public feel safer, both emotionally and work-wise while keeping it “directâ€, make their collaborators feel noticed.


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How to Cite
Guamán Guadalima, N. G., & Abendaño Ramírez, M. (2022). Engagement in Enterprises’ Internal Publics from Ecuador in Times of Pandemic. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 21(41), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v21n41a1
Author Biographies

Nelly Gabriela Guamán Guadalima, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Licensed in Social Communication and Licensed in Public Relations by the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador). Master in Investigation in Communication and Journalism by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). She is a PhD student in Communication and Periodismo at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). Lecturer in Communication at the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). Her research lines: communication policies and corporate communication.

Mónica Abendaño Ramírez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in Communication Management from the San Antonio de Murcia University (Spain). Teacher in the Communication career at the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador). Her lines of research: internal and corporate communication and Culture of Peace in organizations. She is the founder of the Iberoamerican virtual network of Internal Communication DialogusCI


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