Cinema, Diversity and Childhood: Project Cineduka in Chilean Elementary Schools

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Jose Mela-Contreras
Josep Torelló
Daniela Cobos


The project “Cineduka: diversity and childhood†was implemented in five public schools in the O’Higgins regions in Chile as an initiative of qualitative character that had as its purpose contributing to the dialogue and reflection between teachers and students in the 7th grade of elementary school regarding topics such as respect and value of the ethnic and cultural diversity. For that reason. An educational and intercultural intervention program was executed with the teaching staff of these institutions with the objective of envisioning and establishing a dialogue on cinema and interculturality in the classroom.

The execution of Cineduka incorporated several activities of analysis of movies, beside pedagogic and creative activities for representing the students’ learnings through the creation of student’s cinema shorts. Thus, the project aimed towards sensitizing and promoting learning of intercultural nature such as empathy towards difference, respect and no-discrimination among peers, as well as the questioning of the reproductions of negative stereotypes linked to migration.

Among the results of the project, the following is highlighted: fourteen cinema shorts made by the students, which are productions that display the interests, reflections, and problems of the students regarding diversity. For this, this article contains a document and narrative analysis of the film language and the meanings that are evoked by film creations, linked to a deep reflection on the importance of promoting a non-discriminatory and dialogued teaching.


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How to Cite
Mela-Contreras, J., Torelló, J., & Cobos, D. (2022). Cinema, Diversity and Childhood: Project Cineduka in Chilean Elementary Schools. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 21(41), 1–21.
Author Biographies

Jose Mela-Contreras, Universidad de O’Higgins

Doctor en Artes y Educación

Josep Torelló, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Doctor en Comunicación Audiovisual

Daniela Cobos, Universidad de Chile

Doctora en Didáctica del Arte


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