Autonomy and the imperative of the saying in the interactive web. A reflection on the file making in social networks from the current Argentine context

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Diego Germán Vigna


For a decade and a half, the ways of filing and authorial intervention in web formats have invaded different spheres of action of the subjects, and have fostered behaviors of identity and cultural construction. Ways of registration and documentary organization that until recently seemed restricted to the study of institutional files, writers' files or other ways of preservation of cultural heritage, today model the daily practices of subjects that are involved with relational processes mediated by technologies. Within the framework of this problem, our objective is to reflect on the ways of making files in the context of virtual social networks, which we consider central to understanding the dynamics of intervention of subjects and groups in the interactive digital environment.

This reflection is based on a documentary analysis of the publications and user interventions in the most used social network in Argentina, Facebook, taking as empirical reference the last presidential campaign of 2015. The analysis is structured by considering each publication or post as a unit of content, following the principle of digital modularity. We took the 2015 presidential campaign in Argentina because, in its development, the interactive component was a key based on a premise of fundamental action arising from the analysis, which we call the imperative of the saying. This notion, within the framework of a specific publication and filing grammar, is central in order to understand strategies for capturing votes conceived from the supposed autonomy of users.


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How to Cite
Vigna, D. G. (2018). Autonomy and the imperative of the saying in the interactive web. A reflection on the file making in social networks from the current Argentine context. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 16(31), 113–133.
Author Biography

Diego Germán Vigna, CIECS-CONICET, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

Doctor en Estudios Sociales de América Latina. 

Investigador Asistente de CONICET. Profesor Asistente del Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


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