Internet’s possibilities in the reconfiguration of the primary social network of the elderly, which is fractured due to the effect of migration The case of the elderly with migrant relatives in 6 municipalities of Quindío

Main Article Content

Lucero Giraldo Marín
Sandra Leal Larrarte
Lilia Inés López Cardozo


This article shows how Internet becomes an important communication tool for reconfiguring the primary social network of the elderly, which is fractured due to the effect of migration.

In the research that generates this article it was possible to confirm that this network is currently divided into the primary natural network, formed by the relatives and friends with whom they share their daily life, and the primary virtual network, which is formed by the migrant relatives.

The paper focuses its interest on presenting the characteristics of the primary virtual network, in which the elderly found themselves impelled to participate in order to satisfy their communicational needs. This network fulfills the function of maintaining, although not expanding, their primary social network.

The results show four aspects: the digital competences developed by the elderly, the structure, the functions, and the bonding attributes of the primary virtual network. For conducting this study, the work of authors such was Cabrera; Castell; Madarriaga, Abello & Sierra; Narváez A.; Soto, Navarro & Sánchez; Tovar & Villarraga was consulted.

It was an ethnographic research with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were performed. The fundamental theory of Strauss & Corbin (2002) was used for processing the information.


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How to Cite
Giraldo Marín, L., Leal Larrarte, S., & López Cardozo, L. I. (2015). Internet’s possibilities in the reconfiguration of the primary social network of the elderly, which is fractured due to the effect of migration The case of the elderly with migrant relatives in 6 municipalities of Quindío. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 14(27), 145–162.
Author Biographies

Lucero Giraldo Marín, Universidad del Quindío

Docente Universidad del Quindío, Programa de Comunicación Social-Periodismo. Magíster en Comunicación Educativa de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Coordinadora de Investigación del programa de Comunicación Social-Periodismo, docente de la asignatura de Comunicación para el Desarrollo, asesora de trabajos de grado y de intervención social en la Universidad del Quindío. Ponente en eventos nacionales e internacionales

Sandra Leal Larrarte, Universidad del Zulia

Magíster en Ciencias de la Comunicación con énfasis en sociosemiótica, título otorgado por la Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela). Ha sido ponente nacional e internacional en varias ocasiones, jurado y tutora de trabajos de grado para pregrado.

Lilia Inés López Cardozo, Universidad del Quindío

Docente Universidad del Quindío, Programa Comunicación social-Periodismo. Gerontóloga Universidad del Quindío, magíster en Educación
Universidad, Pontificia Javeriana-Universidad de Caldas. Se ha desempeñado como directora de los programas académicos de Gerontología y Comunicación Social-Periodismo en la Universidad del Quindío y como docente del área investigativa en las asignaturas: Proyecto de Grado I-II, Seminario de Investigación Social, Seminario Taller de Investigación, Metodología de la Investigación, entre otros