Local identities, recognition and participation. Planning and management of rural areas of Medellin (Colombia).

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Carlos Javier Egio Rubio
Eryka Yuvelyre Torrejón Cardona
María Camila Muñoz Arias
Loraine Cumplido Rodríguez


This article presents the results of an investigation where environmental justice and communication for social change are used for social change as theoretical concepts. It develops with participatory methodologies in the context of rural areas of Medellin in 2013. Their goal is to identify and classify the perceptions of the social actors involved in the policies. The results found are (i) a wide range of social actors, (ii) a high level of dispersion of actions in all rural territories and (iii) a few local identities in constant change and reconstruction, but always associated with rural life.

The article concludes by highlighting some collective perceptions in response to environmental effects of the model of urban expansion and how social actors in five rural areas of the municipality of Medellín have a legacy of community participation processes with the potentiality to influence local actions in a environmental justice.


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How to Cite
Egio Rubio, C. J., Torrejón Cardona, E. Y., Muñoz Arias, M. C., & Cumplido Rodríguez, L. (2015). Local identities, recognition and participation. Planning and management of rural areas of Medellin (Colombia). Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 14(27), 123–144. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v14n27a7
Author Biographies

Carlos Javier Egio Rubio, Universidad de Antioquia

Pregrado en Ciencias Ambientales y Periodismo en la Universidad de Murcia (España), magíster en Comunicación,
Cambio Social y Desarrollo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y estudiante de doctorado en Sociología
en esta última universidad. Investigador principal en el proyecto “Los corregimientos de Medellín frente a las
externalidades urbanasâ€, Universidad de Antioquia.

Eryka Yuvelyre Torrejón Cardona, Universidad de Antioquia

Pregrado en Sociología en la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Doctora en Geografía en la Universidad
Autónoma de Barcelona. Docente de Sociología e investigadora del Grupo Medio Ambiente y Sociedad de la
Universidad de Antioquia. Co investigadora y asesora local del proyecto “Los corregimientos de Medellín frente a
las externalidades urbanasâ€.

María Camila Muñoz Arias, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante de último semestre de Periodismo de la Universidad de Antioquia