Evaluation of the Effect of the Loss of Adhesion of The Geosynthetic Interface-Asphaltic Mixture in the Performance of a Flexible Pavement Using the Technique of Numerical Modeling





geosynthetic, interface, adherence, roughness coefficient, flexible pavement, absolute roughness


Different numerical simulations were carried out based on finite elements, where the response of six different pavement structures subjected to the effects of the load of an equivalent axis is analyzed, where a geogrid was placed in the asphalt layer as reinforcement. For the reinforcement geogrid, there are different adherence characteristics between the geosynthetic and the asphalt mixtures, in such a way that the performance of the systems was evaluated when absolute roughness is present at the interface, and roughness coefficients of 0.9, 0.7 and 0.5. The results obtained were compared with the responses of the structures without reinforcement, in this way the performance that was presented was studied to determine how critical the progressive loss of adherence is when implementing the geogrid as reinforcement in the wearing course. As a conclusion, it is found that the loss of adherence geogrid-asphalt layer produces a fundamental loss of structural response capacity, with a performance even worse than the case without any reinforcement.


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Author Biographies

Lucio Cruz, Universidad del Cauca

Ph.D. and Msc. in Engineering, Faculty member at Civil Engineer Faculty, Department of Geotechnics, University
of Cauca, Colombia.

Mauro Realpe, University of Cauca

Engineer Msc. Pavement Student, Civil engineer faculty, University of Cauca, Colombia.

Jaime Obando, University of Cauca

Ph.D. and Msc. in Engineering, Faculty member at Civil Engineer Faculty, Department of Geotechnics, University
of Cauca, Colombia


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How to Cite

Cruz, L., Realpe, M. ., & Obando, J. . (2022). Evaluation of the Effect of the Loss of Adhesion of The Geosynthetic Interface-Asphaltic Mixture in the Performance of a Flexible Pavement Using the Technique of Numerical Modeling. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 21(41), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v21n41a3