Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín is a multidisciplinary publication in the field of engineering. The journal disseminates research results that contribute to regional and global development from an engineering perspective. The journal prioritizes the reception of products derived from research projects for their elaboration and adequate dissemination among academics, students, and other interested groups in society.

At Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín, we are aware of the need for adequate circulation of scientific knowledge in our region and the need to provide elements for the analysis and solution of specific problems.

However, we recognize the need for the widest possible circulation within academic communities and, therefore, starting in 2021, our journal will exclusively publish its contents in English, while continuing its tradition of open access circulation.

The journal guarantees the ethical treatment of contents and ensures that all procedures involving authors, referees, and editors comply with the COPE standards.

Each article is initially reviewed by the editorial team who determined the relevance and initial quality requirements for our publication. Subsequently, the article is sent to a group of peer reviewers, preferably from countries other than Colombia. Then, the text evaluation continues with the "double-blind" procedure in which neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identities.

Each article is reviewed at least twice. Each reviewer may have approximately three weeks to complete this step of the process; however, the entire process is estimated to take six months.

The reviewers are competent academics in their respective fields of study, and the fundamental criterion for their appointment is having published in high-impact scientific journals in the last two years.
The normal editorial process for an article, from submission to editorial decision, can take up to 6 or 7 months. If accepted, the time from acceptance to publication can take up to 4 months. The journal continuously reviews its processes to optimize the time of each step in the editorial process, considering the high volume of articles received.

About the selection of articles and communication with authors

The selection of articles and communication with authors is based on the following procedures and considerations:
  • The OJS platform under which the journal operates generates automatic messages when authors make new submissions. The message generated by the platform is considered a submission confirmation.
  • The editorial team verifies compliance with the requirements established in the author's guidelines.
  • If the requirements are not met, the OJS system generates a communication from the editor or section editor, indicating to the author or group of authors the necessary adjustments, which must be made within a period not exceeding two weeks. The corresponding author should send an additional email to indicating that the adjustments have been made.
  • If an article does not meet these standards, it is rejected, and its authors are notified and archived.
  • Once the article meets the requirements, it is referred to as a section editor for the appointment of the peer reviewer.
  • Communication with peer reviewers is carried out according to the protocols and templates established by the OJS.
  • The reviewers are responsible for ensuring the quality of the article and issue an opinion on the possible publication of the text. In case of opposing opinions (one reviewer recommending publication and the other not), the procedure dictates a third reviewer. If a third reviewer does not resolve the controversy, the Editorial and Scientific Committees will be designated to issue a final qualified opinion.
  • Once the article is approved for publication by the reviewers, the editorial team evaluates the quality of the article.
  • The article is returned to its author or authors to make modifications or adjustments as indicated by the reviewer or editorial team. If these are not made, the article will be rejected.
  • The author or group of authors has a reasonable period of up to two weeks to make corrections to the article. At this stage, an article approved by the reviewers may be rejected if the authors do not incorporate the requested changes or do not respond to the journal's messages within the two-week period indicated for this stage. The authors are continuously informed of these procedures and deadlines.
  • Finally, the article is sent for preliminary translation, proofreading, and layout.
  • Then, the authors are asked to provide their opinion on the first proofs of printing to detect any inconsistencies in the design.
  • The process continues with online and printed publications on the corresponding issue.

Publication frequency

The Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín has a biannual frequency, publishing two issues per year in the periods of January-June and July-December. The publication of each issue is continuous and may start even before the determined deadline, but never exceeds the last day of June for the first issue and the last day of December for the last one.

The journal permanently accepts submissions throughout the year. To define which articles are included in the evaluation process of each issue, the deadline dates were as follows:



January 1st – June

September 30th

July 1st – December

March 31st

The journal prioritizes the reception of original articles. The journal understands original articles as those derived from finished or ongoing research that has original conclusions for the development of science.

Review articles also have a place in our journal, as long as we consider them highly relevant in their contribution to science. We expect review articles to critically integrate careful reading and analysis of a significant number of bibliographic references that result in a reading of advances, gaps, and perspectives of knowledge on the object they address.

The journal has recently promoted the publication of articles derived from conferences, in which the peer-review process is especially cared for. These are the results of completed or ongoing research projects that present original and relevant contributions to science that require agile dissemination. They are written based on conference presentations at scientific events of quality and academic relevance but pay special attention to a significant difference between both texts that results in tolerable originality.

Another type of articles accepted by the journal are reflection articles that do not stem from research, but rather are documents that present original viewpoints that arise from the review of a topic, reflection on a particular problem, interest in opening a debate, or continuous analysis of an interesting problem for science over time and for which high-quality sources are consulted.
All articles received before the deadline are included in the evaluation process for each journal issue. The journal may decide to anticipate the formation of future issues, depending on the number of articles received and approved for evaluation.
The Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín adheres to the Advertising Ethics Committee (COPE), which obligates it to monitor its procedures and carry them out transparently to the public. These ethical principles and procedures guide the journal's actions according to the different roles involved in the process.

Regarding the authors:
  • The author must state that the article is original, has not been published before, and must guarantee the veracity of the data, and that it has not been or will not be submitted to any other journal while it is in the editorial process with the Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín Journal.
  • They must be aware of and comply with the author’s guidelines.
  • The authors must accurately and truthfully state their academic degrees, membership in research groups, ORCID code, institutional affiliation, address, city, telephone number, and email address with which they are registered in the OJS.
  • They must indicate any relevant conflicts of interest for all contributors, if any.
  • They must ensure that those who contributed significantly to the presented results are listed as authors in the article.
  • The Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín Journal rejects the unethical practice of reproducing final degree works in undergraduate or graduate programs, in which the directors of the works are included as co-authors without making any contribution. The journal encourages directors of final degree works or theses and their students to be involved in a fair proportion in the texts to be presented.
  • They must inform the editors if any person should not review the submitted material, provided that such requests are reasonable and viable.
  • They must know the publication dates of the journal, as well as the deadlines for the submission and approval of articles.
  • The author appeals to the editorial decisions.

Regarding the reviewers:

  • The journal, in the peer review process, selects international or national referees with experience in the topics following a blind double-peer system to ensure that the review is conducted according to anonymity standards.
  • Reviewers must disclose any possible conflicts of interest that may arise from proximity or hostility towards any of the authors. Likewise, if the reviewer identifies the author(s) despite having removed their names from the manuscript. Referees must declare any conflicts of interest and decline the editors' invitation to evaluate the manuscript when, for example, they identify the authorship of the manuscript, have an academic or family relationship, belong to the same university, department, or research group, professional network, research project, or any other type of professional proximity or connection. In any case, the reviewer must decline the editor's invitations to referee the article.
  • Referees must review the article within the time established by the journal (three weeks, maximum 6) following the stipulated times and giving due diligence to the authors and their works.
  • The reviewer must maintain strict confidentiality in the evaluation of the article and not disclose its content to third parties.
  • Reviewers cannot, under any circumstances, use the material entrusted by the journal for their publications or personal benefit. The contents of the articles can only be used correctly by citing the source once the article has been edited and successfully published.
  • Reviewers cannot disclose the content or information of the evaluation to persons other than the editors of the journal.

Regarding the editors:

  • Editors must guarantee the quality of the material published in the journal.
  • Likewise, they must select expert peers with knowledge, experience, and academic trajectories on the subject, without conflicts of interest.
  • They must ensure that each article has at least two relevant and high-quality evaluations.
  • They must respect intellectual rights.
  • Guarantee confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers in the process, as well as everything related to consent and special requirements for research on humans and animals.
  • When necessary, they must publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.
  • Actively seek viewpoints from authors, readers, reviewers, and committee members of other journals on possible ways to improve their publishing processes.
  • Comply with the declared biannual periodicity of the journal.
  • Identify, select, and review the composition of members of the scientific and editorial committees according to their experiences and academic trajectory.
  • Employ systems for detecting forgeries as a routine procedure and in pieces suspected of plagiarism. For this purpose, the journal uses the Turnitin software to determine the similarity of an article with other documents. The Journal of Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín explicitly and categorically rejected plagiarism in its articles and denounces any of these behaviors, when necessary, with due diligence to those involved.

Regarding the Editorial and Scientific Committees:

  • Provide advice and recommendations to editors on strategies and policies to improve the scientific quality of the journal.
  • Evaluate published issues to identify errors and suggest changes to subsequent issues.
  • Recommend new members for the Scientific and Editorial Committees of the journal.
  • Recommend topics and support the editorial process for special issues of the journal.
  • Ensure compliance with the editorial requirements of the journal and new provisions to improve and maintain its international visibility and credibility.
  • Contribute to the assignment of peer reviewers for topics related to their areas when requested.
  • Serve as arbitrators in case of controversies due to contradictory evaluations or questionable scientific quality.
If you have a complaint about any action taken by the Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín, please follow this procedure.

  • The best way to communicate a complaint is by email to, clearly expressing the complaint.
  • The best way to communicate a complaint is by email to, clearly expressing the complaint.
  • When the complaint concerns the general conduct of the editorial team or the Editor, please direct your communication to the Head of the Editorial of Universidad de Medellín through the PQRSF system (Requests, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions, and Congratulations):
  • The journal will have a maximum of five business days to confirm the receipt of the complaint.
  • The Editorial Committee of the journal is an instance in which, under normal conditions, the final decision on the complaint will be addressed.
  • If the Editorial Committee of the journal cannot provide a definitive response, the Head of the Editorial of Universidad de Medellín will issue and resolve the case.
The Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín does not charge any fee for article processing (Article Processing Charge [APC]). The journal does not charge for article submission.


Authors should specify in their registration in the OJS, which of them will be designated as the corresponding author. This will be the person with whom the Editor or Editorial Committee will maintain contact in all aspects related to the publication and editing processes.

Note: The journal does not charge fees for manuscript publication.
Our journal is a scientific publication of the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad de Medellín is part of the publications of the Universidad de Medellín.
University of Medellín finances the journal with its own resources.