Motivation of Informatics Engineering Students with Emphasis on Software Engineering: a Study in Latin-American Universities


  • Raquel Anaya Hernández Corporación Universitaria Adventista
  • Marisa Cecilia Tumino Universidad Adventista de La Plata
  • Jhon Fredy Niño Manrique Corporación Universitaria Adventista
  • Juan Bournissen Universidad Adventista de La Plata
  • Walter Hugo Arboleda Mazo Corporación Universitaria Adventista



students motivation, software engineering teaching;, informatics student profile, profile of the software developer


The study of the motivation of the future software engineers is of the uttermost importance taking into account the high demand unsatisfied by these professionals and the responsibility of the academy of promoting for a significative and active learning-teaching process that achieves positively compromised students. The contemplated objectives were: a) identifying the aspects related in the motivation of informatics students with an emphasis in the software engineering area; b) ascertaining the reliability and validity of the elaborated instrument; c) identifying the motivation levels of the studied population. For achieving these objectives, a new instrument was designed and validated, a two-phase data analysis was also performed for obtaining a factors and subfactors structure that gives account of the motivational level. In the first phase of the analysis we obtained a four factor statistic model (performance attributes, relationship between students and teacher; performance of the teachers; physical and virtual resources) that explain the 71,5 % of variability. In the second phase of analysis the model for identifying the factors was refined and with that a high level of reliability was achieved. Regarding the performance attributes, we evidences a necessity for helping students to handle their own time; the pedagogic strategies display a high predictive power on the motivation of the students in the software engineering area. This article concludes that the factors and subfactors structures structures obtained with a high level of reliability served as a starting point for identifying improvement actions in the institutions responsible for the writing of the articles; the reliability and validity of this instrument profile it as a candidate for being applied in similar programs for other institutions. 


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Author Biographies

Raquel Anaya Hernández, Corporación Universitaria Adventista

Doctora en Informática, Sistemas Informáticos y Computación. Asesora de investigación, Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Aplicada GI2A, Facultad de Ingeniería, Corporación Universitaria Adventista, Medellín, Colombia.

Marisa Cecilia Tumino, Universidad Adventista de La Plata

Doctora en Educación con énfasis en Administración Educativa. Secretaria de Investigación, Facultad de
Ciencias Económicas y de la Administración, Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martín,

Jhon Fredy Niño Manrique, Corporación Universitaria Adventista

Magister en Ingeniería. Decano e investigador, Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Aplicada GI2A, Facultad
de Ingeniería, Corporación Universitaria Adventista, Medellín, Colombia.

Juan Bournissen, Universidad Adventista de La Plata

Doctor Tecnologías Educativas: Educación Virtual y Gestión del Conocimiento. Docente e investigador, Sistema de Educación a Distancia, Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martín, Argentina.

Walter Hugo Arboleda Mazo, Corporación Universitaria Adventista

Magíster en Ingeniería. Investigador, Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Aplicada GI2A, Facultad de Ingeniería, Corporación Universitaria Adventista.


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How to Cite

Anaya Hernández, R., Tumino, M. C., Niño Manrique, J. F., Bournissen, J., & Arboleda Mazo, W. H. (2019). Motivation of Informatics Engineering Students with Emphasis on Software Engineering: a Study in Latin-American Universities. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 19(36), 239–260.