ICT and Educational Innovation: Demands and Expectations


  • Mary Cristina Carrascal Universidad del Cauca
  • Emigdio Andrés Lara Silva Universidad el Cauca
  • Ivan Eduardo Hernández
  • Ulises Hernández Pino




Technology Uses in Education, Educational Innovation, Educational Methods, Influence of Technology


In the development of the research project "Strengthening and expanding the coverage of postgraduate training in Educational Innovation with ICTs through virtual education strategies relevant to the socio-cultural context of the region", the meaning of Educational Innovations for teachers was investigated. Through 7 focus groups, with the participation of 168 teachers from urban and rural schools, public and private schools, as well as teachers in training, schoolteachers and university professors, from 3 different departments in southwestern Colombia, it was identified, through the use of the grounded theory analysis method, that teachers associate educational innovations with changes in the way they teach in their classes. In this way, the incorporation of ICTs is seen as important, since it facilitates teaching processes, motivates learning and improves the quality and pertinence of education.


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How to Cite

Carrascal, M. C., Lara Silva, E. A., Hernández , I. E. ., & Hernández Pino, U. (2021). ICT and Educational Innovation: Demands and Expectations. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 20(39), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v20n39a4