Projection of the demand of construction materials in Colombia through the analysis of materials flows and systems dynamic


  • Juan Pablo Ríos Ocampo Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Yris Olaya Morales Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin, Facultad de Minas.
  • Gabriel Jaime Rivera León Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín



materials flow analysis, systems dynamic, demand of construction materials, projection, cement, concrete


This article provides an estimation of the future demand of construction materials in Colombia and necessary minerals to produce them by using systems dynamic and analysis of materials flows. Through the analysis of materials flows the amount of minerals required for the production of cement and concrete are determined. Required production of cement and concrete is estimated through a model of systems dynamic, which is adjusted with data from DANE construction census. Results indicate that, disregarding the secondary offer of materials, 176.9 million tons of ground aggregates, river sand, gray cement, dead rock, and cooked ceramic would be required. Manufacture of cement and concrete would require 15.4 million tons of lime, 14.9 million tons of gravel, 14.1 million tons of gypsum, and 13.3, 9.7, and 9.3 million tons of clay, iron minerals, and sand, respectively.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Ríos Ocampo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Economista, estudiante de Maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín. Joven Investigador de Colciencias.

Yris Olaya Morales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin, Facultad de Minas.

M. Sc. en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Ph. D. Mineral Economics, Colorado School of Mines. Profesora asociada, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación y la Decisión, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín.

Gabriel Jaime Rivera León, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín

Ingeniero Industrial, estudiante de Maestría en Ingeniería Administrativa de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín. Joven Investigador de Colciencias, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ríos Ocampo, J. P., Olaya Morales, Y., & Rivera León, G. J. (2018). Projection of the demand of construction materials in Colombia through the analysis of materials flows and systems dynamic. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 16(31), 75–95.


