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This article provides a discussion based on constructs about the dichotomy betweennative and non-native speakers. Several models and examples are displayed about thespreading of the English language with the intention of understanding its developmentin the whole world and in Colombia, specifically. Then, some possible definitions aregiven to the term “native speaker” and its conceptualization is described as both realityand myth. One of the main reasons for writing this article is grounded on the promotionof the concept of what is native as something based on scientific facts, transcendingthe analysis from the common sense (Han, 2004). Topics such as language commandsand its teaching are tackled in terms of strengths and weaknesses of a native-speakingteacher who teaches his/her mother tongue in a foreign country. Finally, students’points of view are described about the native and non-native teachers. At the end,the article makes emphasis on the need for understanding the dichotomy betweennative speakers and non-native speakers in order to improve the English languageteaching in Colombia.
How to Cite
Mariño, C. (1). Reflecting on the dichotomy native-non native speakers in an EFL context. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 10(19), 129-142.
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