Organizational listening: a conceptual proposal

Cecilia Claro M. | Bio
Universidad de los Andes


This research presents listening as a communication element that must be managed in organizations that face a constantly changing society, and in which it is important to know the opinion of the public that interacts with it. When understood as an intangible asset, listening adds to others of its kind that become relevant today in institutions, such as reputation, image, identity, corporate responsibility, among others. This study aims to show what are the most relevant features and elements of organizational listening to date. The research was carried out through an analysis that draws from the theory, and that reviews the main contributions from the communication field. As a subject matter, the act of listening does not have a broad body of research to support itself, but it is in development. However, its importance is indirectly inferred from the background analysis in some academic fields. For the purposes of this study, approaches made from strategic communication, public relations, relational marketing and organizational communication are reviewed.

On the basis of a theoretical analysis, this research on listening proposes a definition of organizational listening and its most relevant elements as a contribution to the field of communication: Listening belongs to a continuous and systematic process in organizations that requires different instruments to be carried out, which is aimed at knowing the different audiences with which the institution is related, and that should be established as an important factor to be considered so that institutions are sustainable over time.


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How to Cite
Claro M., C. (2019). Organizational listening: a conceptual proposal. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 17(34), 239-253.


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