Resistance as a practice that allows subjectivation An approach to the ritual-concert of Music of Resistance
- Articles
Published: May 1, 2017
In today’s society there is an interest on the part of the power devices to govern the human being. However, it is also present a genuine concern in the governed of not being administered. Therefore, the search for strategies to exercise resistance is a necessity. This is not an easy task, but there is a possibility for the subject to find an opportunity to resist, and command from itself and for itself his own thinking, behavior and actions. The subjectivation, understood as a process by which a subject can have action and molded itself under its own purposes, is one of the consequences of resistance and in this paper we explore it in a specific context: music concerts understood as resistance rituals. In this research we describe one of these concerts considering three elements: the music of resistance, where are performed this concerts and subjects attending. Each of these components has particular characteristics that can encourage practices of resistance and consequently the process of subjectivation. Thus, the aim of this paper is to briefly explore the relationship between resistance, subjectivation and practices in a specific context that is the concert-ritual.
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