The university education ecosystem impacted by ICT
- Articles
Published: May 1, 2017
The digital ecosystem that impacts society today, a panorama that is not alien to academia, leads to questioning the need for teachers to integrate the use of ICT in the training process as a support for the presence and for the Model of education in which this use is inserted. To address this phenomenon, an investigation of mixed methodology (quantitative-poll-qualitative-interview-) was structured, applied to students and teachers of Social Communication-Journalism, from which an exploratory exercise of communicative praxis was discussed, on the use of New technologies in the classroom, as well as the conception of this use by the actors involved in the training process. The corpus of analysis allowed to show that in the face-to-face model the technological becomes a teaching support, a tool, a complement, so to speak, to the teaching-learning process. The imminently virtual model or distance education (e-learning and blended) is proposed as a paradigm of technological didactics.
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