The Hermeneutic Perspective and the Sense of Communication in the Context of Socioculture

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José Alfredo Villarreal Valera
Yovanis Rosales Almarales
Alex Rodrigo Rivera Ríos


The objective of this article is to define the importance of hermeneutics as a methodological tool to understand the communication process. To this end, a research strategy that privileges the analytical review of original sources was used, as well as theoretical and empirical methods such as observation, interviews and theoretical triangulation, through the combination of quantitative and qualitative paradigms. As a novel result, the study presents a systematization that, from an interpretive perspective, explains the indispensable role of hermeneutics for understanding the meanings of communication practices, given that it has not been sufficiently addressed by their focus.


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How to Cite
Villarreal Valera, J. A., Rosales Almarales, Y., & Rivera Ríos, A. R. (2018). The Hermeneutic Perspective and the Sense of Communication in the Context of Socioculture. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 16(32), 85–93.
Author Biographies

José Alfredo Villarreal Valera, Universidad de Granma

PhD in Sociological Sciences. Tenured professor, Universidad de Granma (Cuba).

Yovanis Rosales Almarales, Universidad de Granma

MA in Social and Communication Studies. Assistant professor, Universidad de Granma (Cuba). E-mail:

Alex Rodrigo Rivera Ríos, Universidad Técnica de Machala

PhD in Industrial Chemistry.MA in University Teaching and Educational Research. Professor, Universidad Técnica de Machala (Ecuador). E-mail:


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